
How it Works

The Foundation for Success

The NutraLogic Program

The supplement programs are effective because they consider all aspects of your clinic: patient relationship, financial impact, operational needs, trust, and transparency.

Starting with emailed supplement education for your clients, sustained by easy online ordering, and with support from the NutraLogic staff, joining the NutraLogic Program can help you build success based on these solid pillars.


Putting the Pieces Together

By becoming a NutraLogics Partner, you can avoid administrative headaches and inventory purchases. Instead, you can quickly launch a turn-key program with high-quality products and exceptional customer service.

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Develop Momentum

By meeting your clients’ rapidly increasing demand for wellness services, you can create new revenue streams for you.

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Cultivate Loyalty

As the source of expanded options for wellness, your clients’ loyalty will increase as their trusted healthcare expert.
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Expedite Growth

Drive your business growth by becoming a BodyLogic Solutions Partner and adding supplement programs to your services.

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Harvest Results

Regular BodyLogic Solutions activity reporting and revenue add a tangible way to measure your business and financial outcomes.

The Next Steps to Partnership

To learn more about the process for patient education and fulfillment, including your personalized NutraLogics onlinelink, sign up for a program demo.

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